Laurette’s Story
April ’09 CT Scan good!
This picture was taken at the St. Patricks Day Parade. I have been feeling fine. I am grateful every day for my friends, family, the Bulldog community, the Bulldogs, and of course Dr. Sugarbaker for helping me get through it all. Now if people would only stop buying from puppy mills and surrendering their dogs.

Six month CT scan is clear! I am feeling fine. This picture was from September, I had just finished chemo, no new pics, too busy with Bullies! Thanks to everyone for your prayers and help. L.
UPDATE 8/22/07:
Thank you cannot begin to express what I feel for the hundreds and hundreds of people who sent me their love, prayers, donations, fabulous pictures of beloved puppies and dogs, cd’s, cards, emails and letters with their own stories and words of hope.
Going into a difficult time I felt both supported and protected. I do believe you all had a part in getting me through the surgery and recovery so well.
It has been nearly six months, the surgery was a journey to hell and back. It was 9 ½ hrs. followed by 5 days of intra peritoneal chemo and 3 weeks in the hospital. At first I thought I would never feel well again. Then one day in mid May I did not need to take a nap, and after that, with physical therapy, and the usual influx of Bulldogs in need, I was back to myself again.
The surgery went very well, 99% was a low grade cancer. They did find some cells that were much more malignant. That is why I am now undergoing 6 months of systemic chemo. There have been a few glitches with it, but overall I am doing ok with it.
I am sorry this update is so late, I was physically, then mentally exhausted. And then of course the summer rush of Bulldogs.
Three days after I came home from the hospital my friends brought 2 litters of pups, 9 in all. Magic healing puppies! The two pups I am holding were born the day of my surgery and named for me and my sister. In the second picture we had all gained weight.
UPDATE 3/26/07:
Laurette was released from the hospital mid-week and is back in NY recuperating at a relative’s home. She will probably be there at least a month. She has also learned that she will need to undergo 6 months of chemotherapy treatment. She thanks all of you for your kind words, genuine prayers and unmatched support.
Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers as she moves through this next phase of her battle with cancer.
UPDATE 3/10/07:
Laurette is still in the hospital recuperating from her surgery. She is doing well but will need to under go 6 months of chemotherapy once she gets home due to a malignant tumor that was also removed. She would like to thank you for all your support during her illness. Hopefully I will have another update soon.
UPDATE 3/2/07:
Just spoke with Roberta. Laurette is still in ICU but is doing well. The doctor cannot believe how well she is doing.
She is undergoing her first round of non-traditional chemo and is heavily medicated. But she is breathing on her own and able to speak a little and throw some jokes around. Hopefully she will be out of ICU over the weekend and in a private room. I will let you know when I hear more.
Thanks, Sue
Quick Laurette UPDATE 5:23 PM 3/1/07:
I just received a quick email from Laurette’s sister. It said the surgery was a success and the doctor is very happy!
She will be in touch later with more! Thanks for the prayers and good thoughts. I know how important they can be.
Update from Laurette 1/17/07:
Last month I met with my surgeon. The surgery date is March 1st, it will be a nine hour operation if all goes well. I am expected to stay in the hospital for 21 days. The recovery period is expected to be 3 months after that. If anyone wants to know about the procedure, here is the link:
Needless to say this is a scary proposition, but I have a very good chance of beating this cancer, Dr. says around 70%.
I am grateful to everyone for their prayers and offers of help. LIBR will be functioning while I am recovering. Please call or email us if you can help with Rescue in any way.
A word from Laurette,
As some of you already know, I have a rare and treatable form of abdominal cancer called pseudomyxoma peritonei. Just for you to know, it originates in the appendix. I will be having surgery in January. I have recovered very well from the previous surgery and feel fine. This is bringing out my inner Bulldog!
LIBR is a team project, so it won’t surprise you to know that LIBR will keep on working throughout my surgery and time I’ll take to recuperate. As everyone knows who has been through a hard time, the show goes on.
We are creating an action plan, and are looking forward to working with everyone to keep helping, healing, and homing our beloved bullies. If anyone has been thinking of getting involved with Bulldog Rescue, now would be a good time to sign up. We always need foster homes and transport volunteers. We need a volunteer coordinator as well.
Many thanks to all of you for your good wishes, prayers, cards, offers of help, and advice. It has meant a lot to me.